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West London Free School - Primary

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Pupil Premium and PE & Sports Premium

Pupil Premium and PE & Sports Premium

Pupil Premium Grant

The Pupil Premium is a grant paid to schools by the government, in order to help disadvantaged children achieve more in their education. It is provided for children from low-income families, who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, or who have been in care for more than six months.

The purpose of the grant is to enable schools to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their wealthier peers.  Schools are required to spend the money on areas that will directly impact these children's attainment. As this money enables the school to make significant improvements in our educational offer, we urge all eligible families to apply. The only way the government knows who is eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant is through the number of pupils registered with the Local Authority for free school meals. 

Did you know that the Local Authority also offers clothing grants to help families purchase school uniform for children aged 4-7 years? Find out more here. You can contact the Local Authority on 020 8753 6681, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report for 2017/2018 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report for 2018/2019 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report for 2019/2020 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report for 2020/2021 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report and Strategy for 2021/2022 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report and Strategy for 2022/2023 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report and Strategy for 2023/2024 here.

You can read our Pupil Premium Impact Report and Strategy for 2024/2025 here.

PE and Sport Premium

You can read our Sport's Premium Action Plan for 2023/2024 here and in HTML friendly format here.